By B.K.
Date: 22 November 2000

Let's Cook!

It痴 Thanksgiving Day Baby
Come on and cook with me
Just thinking of you makes me hungry
I値l be your turkey breast
If you値l be my turkey leg
I値l be your sweet potato
If you値l be my turkey thighs
Now you be the stuffed celery
I値l be your cranberry sauce
You値l be my mashed potatoes
I知 your giblet gravy hoss
You値l be asparagus and brussel sprouts
I知 hollandaise that will melt in your mouth
You値l be homemade dumplings
I値l be the coffee, wine or me (I mean tea)
You値l be homemade yeast rolls
I知 the soft sweet butter to spread
Humm, save some room for dessert
You are my pumpkin pie
I am your whipped cream
I値l be the plum pudding
You池e the hard hard sauce
I値l be the passion fruit
You値l be the pound cake
Remember the eating scene in 'Tom Jones'
I saw you licking your lips
This kitchens getting hot
You池e my pressure cooker, Honey
I値l going to make you blow your top.


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