By Cats_Meow
Date: 1 November 2000

Dreams and Thoughts of You

Dreams and Thoughts of You

Golden rays of sun light slowly make their way in my window
As I rise and great another day, with pleasing thoughts of you.

Did you sleep well, did you have sweet dreams,
And with a wishful sigh, were they of me?

I dress and leave for work following my daily routine,
The busy streets and noisy machines are just a blur around me.

I go about my daily tasks, like a robot, efficient and quick.
While my mind wanders aimlessly, of all the wonders of you.

Your sparkling eyes, the warm smile, the comforting sound of your voice.
Your muscular body, the smell of your cologne, your light touch upon my skin.

These thoughts circle round in my head all through the busy day.
And bring tingling sensations of anxious anticipation, hopefully of things yet to come.

Like a timeless tapestry that covers and shapes my whole being.
My world is encompassed with your presence, whether near or far.

You hold my heart, I give it gladly, for no one else has ever moved me so.
So many thing about you, that my lonely heart just couldn’t resist.

May you see the joy and happiness you have already brought me,
And may you wish to complete this happiness, to make it never ending.

The day comes to a close and as I lie in bed, just before sleep overcomes me.
I whisper a prayer with total reverence,  so softly and sincere.

For God to show you how much I love you, and how much I want your love.
Until that day, I’ll continue on, with dreams and thought of you.

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