Date: 6 November 2000

Fallen Angel

Serenly sitting
Upon a cloud
I, an angel, spread my wings
Just because they felt so cramped
I took off my halo
Only for a moment
Because, it was dull
It needed to be polished
And in that instant
I glanced down
As we are warned not to do
When we are without our halo
Looking far below
Down to earth
There I beheld
A man...
Not quite a man
A devil
A saint
No, a fallen angel
One, perhaps, I had known
So long ago
But he had been cast out
And there he was
Dwelling among the humans
Clever thing
Beautiful thing...
No, I thought, that can't be right
Evil never walks in beauty
But, there he was
Lucifer, himself
With midnight locks
And turquious eyes
I know he saw me
Watching him
For he looked up at the sky
And smiled
In that moment
When I saw him smile
My halo simply shattered
In my hands
And I bled, for the very first time
The cloud beneath me dissapeared
And the sky grew dark
My wings were gone
I could not fly
So, I fell to the ground
I was an angel no more
I was a mortal, human girl
Oh, what did I do?
Disoriented, disbelieving
I was, lying there, on the cold earth
And there before me
Gazing at me, intently
Was the first who fell
I was scared
Frightened beyond compare
Yet, his eyes whispered to me:
"Shhhh...everything's okay"
And I believed
And I took the devils' hand
As he helped me to my feet
Strange,that he cared
The oldest evil in the world
Picked me up
And helped me to my feet
After I fell
When I was in need
He wiped from my cheeks
The tears
That I cried
And now being human
I was as vunerable
As one can be
He took the unclean feeling from me
He removed, from every fiber of my being
The lost feeling
That had quickly consumed me
I had never known this place
Its ways
Its rules
This world was not mine
But, now I belonged to this world
And, in certain contradiction
To all that I had known
To all that I had been
I found something in this other being
That reached deep inside of me
And showed me emotions
That left me quite without breath
For a while, he did not speak
Just held me in his arms
I had never known such comfort
Even in the domain of Heaven
He looked me in the eye
As one would a lover
And he asked me if I was alright
And then, suddenly, I was
Without reason
Without rhyme
He tenderly touched my face
And there was no going back
Even if given the chance
This devil had me caught
When he first smiled up at me
And I knew I was his forever
And that was why I fell
But it didn't matter to me then
And it doesn't matter to me now
Because the devil kissed away
Every approaching apprehsion
I might have felt
And, I do believe, that together
We both re-invented sin

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