By Healy,M
Date: 18 November 2000

Hey, that looks like me (complete)

Hey, that does look like me!

  Sam, I Am, everything you are, nothing more nothing less. Don't have to tell you things you know. Somethimes i might say things, not knowing why or because, or even its meaning.. And i have some ways i'd rather not, and do things that are petty or wrong, not alot. But have done them, do them, and bet i do again, but i don't "will" to .   just know i will, eventually.
i "will" tell you, so when, not if, either of us make mistakes, or say things wrong, we won't be suprised or feel a need to lie. lie, as i have, but i haven't to you, and who knows... if i never do i'd be happy just knowing that, and figure i may have finaly done what i'm here to do, if it turns out i never lie to you. wouldn't that be something. searching and looking for what it is i'm supposed to do, thinking all these big thoughts, to find in the end it wasn't some great deed, or complex theory, and didn't have to do with any of the lies ive told, or anything else i
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