Date: 13 November 2000


hate living for the future
when everyone else lives in the now.
I am no longer waiting.
To see so many pass you by,
When you wish they would just stay,
As if you didn't exist,
As if your feelings didn't matter.
I reel them in, I try,
But the cord is not strong enough,
The emotional bond not thick enough,
And it happens again,
They get distracted by something else,
And forget to say goodbye.
I tried being nice about it,
To act as if I were okay.
But I'm not, and it's not okay
So I'm not going to stand for it any more.
Everyone says "Accept me!" but they
Never take the time to think about others,
To maybe accept others as they are.
And so the self-centered fantasy lives on,
And I begin to prick the dream-finger in your mind,
That everything is alright with me,
And that I will always be there,
No matter how you represent yourself.


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