By terry
Date: 26 November 2000


There are times when I glimpse a sacred truth
Behind the veil of life and death
When the whispers carry to the heart
And not the ear
Speaking of mysteries of the soul
Of you and of me
Two souls who have touched throughout eternity
Losing and gaining each other over and over
In a dance of the ages
Love growing deeper
More potent and powerful with every reunion
And one of these lifetimes will see our love fulfilled
To the apex of ordination
By a universe built on perfected love
And when we touch again
Love fulfilled in our hearts forever
Perhaps it is then our souls will meld into an old creation
And a new sun will be born in the heavens
Somewhere between Gemini and Casseopia
And new lovers will gaze up
And wonder at the warmth of our union
Forever and a day
The immortality of us.

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