By Patty
Date: 27 November 2000

You Lied

You were my lover
You were my friend
I trusted you
And I loved you
I respected you
And I cherished you
I had nothing but good intentions for you
But you had no good intentions at all
You were out to conquer and destroy
And you did just that
I heard about your fling
I hope it was worth it
It must be
Because with such a straight face you lied to me about it
It was like you had slapped me in my face
I gave you a chance to come clean
I gave you a chance to redeemed yourself
But instead you used your mother's name to lie again
How could you
I know there is no one on this earth loves you like I do
I know I would never hurt you like the way you did me
You took my love and my friendship for granted
You left me broken hearted and crushed
I don't wanna love you anymore
I don't wanna need you anymore
I don't wanna have any memories of you at all
How can I be your friend
When you have never truely been mine

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