By Ali
Date: 29 November 2000

Maybe If

Maybe if I turn my head this way
And stand on one foot...
No, nope, that doesn't work
If I hang upside down
Using only my toes...
No, not working either
Maybe if I dislocate my left arm, my left leg
And tuck everything else up close
I can fit in that tiny space...
No, you see, that just won't do
What if I hop on one foot
But break the foot first...
Still not working
What if I put both my legs
Behind my head
Turned my body on a 34 degree angle...
No, that isn't a solution either
Here, I'll do a hand stand, balancing only on
On my index finger of my right hand
Parallel to that wall...
Well, that just isn't working
Maybe if I turn my head
So it's facing behind me
Stand on only my right foots' big toe...
See, that just isn't doing it
I know! I've got it!
I'll bend over backward
Lean on only my left hands' thumb
And my right foots' pinkie toe
And then maybe I can understand you
Maybe then I can see where you're coming from
Or at least where you're going to
Maybe by doing that
I can fit myself into that tiny hollow thing
That some people might consider
A heart
Nope, no, even from this angle...
Both things are impossible

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