By terry
Date: 22 November 2000


It all started, oh so innocently
I swear none of this was planned
The cooking was done
Table set
fork, spoon, knife, salad fork, napkin
Turkey, golden brown
sweet potato pie, corn pudding, green beans
broccoli casserole,  cucumber salad, sweet pickles
turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce
homemade yeast rolls and basil butter
a feast laid out to dazzle anyone's eyes
until she started it
with the mashed potatoes
thought she would feed me some by hand
a ruse of course to smear my cheeks in white
to which I answered with the corn pudding
little bits of yellow a delightful addition to her brown hair
and then she retaliated
sweet potatoe pie right down the pants
but oh I lost it when the gravy got involved
I sort of dumped it all in her bra
call it an amazing experiment in flotation...
but then it really started in earnest
She insisted i would not rest until I had licked it all up, every drop
But I was up to the challenge
in every way.
And it was my turn to insist
that the dressing she smeared on my chest be removed
a tongueful at a time
And oh , god
What she did with the turkey
and what I did with the ham
I've never eaten a meal like this before
And  my goodness...I can't wait til Christmas!

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