By plastic bath
Date: 1 November 2000

Walking Wounded

    Stop me if you’ve heard this one before..

ohhh people enthrall me!! How I wish I could encapsulate life's musing like you have done. I stand outside, watching, never dare letting my presence be known. Like a tree on a windy night, I scrape against your windows with my spindly digit..(ewww, that should earn me some poetry points)

Tell me. have you ever loved someone so dearly, so deeply, that all you've ever known, all you've ever realized on for security and warmth, just means nothing? That you gave up all those thing s day by day until the time come that you no longer can stand erect, you leans instead on the one person? Your body aches and twists and turns as you lust so much for every being, every secret, every need, hope, dream….EVERY THING!! You seep your life out for that person, you drain every pore to keep them, change every word that might hurt them, destroy friendship and family..

Then they don’t want you anymore. Like that you find that your very existence dies on that one spot. Life means nothing and then it hurts to know that you were there as a “replacement” for him. As soon as the door closes, everything you knew about that person was a lie. Friends were lies. Parents were lies. But you FELT it in the heavy air. Something didn’t feel right but YOU ignored it. What the hell were you doing there? It took you so long to recover that you couldn’t even sleep with anyone for such a long time. You couldn’t even get it up…. You wouldn’t take anyone that came along…

But life goes on. Seconds,minutes,hours,days,months,then WHAM!! A new life. Someone else out there is a carbon copy of you and you fall in love again. And forget… don’t fall in love with them as a replacement. No…you could never wish that on anyone. You made sure of this by taking time away and apart, nights alone and days distant. But with patience’s he listens and heals, laughs about her but there is so much more. Oh yes!! You become one and one the same. She has healing wounds, she tells her stories with open honesty and the occasional tear. But she trusts you and each share this trust.

That, my friends, is what love is all about.

I’m sorry if this story is very useless. But I think its kind of nice,huh?

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