By sarah
Date: 2 November 2000

philosophy of a waffle iron

so what do we talk of next
we've covered
number of pillows

lack of sex
lack of lovers
number of friends who wouldnt be lovers
lovers who wouldn't be friends
lovers and friend who would each other
indecent exposure and the limits of what you can do in public
plans to escape away to las vegas and became cha cha dancers

so who do i fantasize about now
see, plenty is fine
and wealth is marvelous
by why when it is dry
does there seem to be nothing to drink
and suddenly when i have enough to drink
i have enough water to supply a whole damn army for years
maybe it was the fact that i told you i wanted to be a chipmunk growing up
or that i was fairy in another life (i really was you know)
i have the wings to prove it...
so back to the trains and planes and geekmobiles
so what am i supposed to ride in now?
i suppose flying solo would of scared me years ago
but now, sometimes i welcome it
and how do i tell you
that the man who said we would be friends is the one i want?
that i dream of lying in his bed
and its him who i will see this weekend
him and his cats who bit his thumbs
him of the green eyes
him of the philosophers tattoo on his forearm
see, i've wanted him for years
and now that i've gotten him a waffle iron
i feel sort of committed to him
because once you give someone a waffle iron, theres no going back

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