By it dosent matter
Date: 3 November 2000


it was green and growing this year
the sky so brilliant and blue
the farm is doing well at last
though extras scant and few
she is up on the hill this day
it so special and all did know
for on this grand and glorius day
her man would be home for good
long and terrible were the wars
but peace was finaly won  
and now she was filled with memories
of him with the small ones in his arms
playing in the fields and in beds of snow
his booming laughter his laughing smile
his famouse temper all but she did know
for to her he was her lamb
he needed she and she rememberd his arms
so sure ,strong nothing would harm her if he was near
and soon he would for his bed was made
up on this hill with these trees for shade
here he would lie to watch over this farm
no more wars for he, here he would sleep his last

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