By sarah
Date: 3 November 2000


i am screaming outloud!
at the top of my lungs
and i'm using exclamation marks
and claiming them my proud territory
see my periods my commas
take them as they are
breaks between what is and was
and now is going to be
you were a trinity
and i was a holy mother
waiting for my immaculate conception
but not longer am i a womb tomb toy
or a little beggar waiting for
my next hand out
i'm a woman with a mouth
and vocal cords
and putting their full force at you
and your cruel twisting fate
you can take your twisted reality
and shove it
thats me
listen up buddy cause thats how its
gonna be
accept me or don't
i don't mind either way
but if its going to be the latter
inform me in time so i can
get unemployment for this wounded hearted
maybe a little compensation wouldn't hurt
because sometimes
it pays to kick a little ass

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