By Denice Young
Date: 11 November 2000

Sunrise in Cabo

Sunrise in Cabo

As the sun rose, golden over the mountains
I longed for the night....and you

Ten minutes you said
To me, every second I am with you is
painfully sweet, heaven sent
You came and laid beside me
I looked into your eyes
Time stopped and so did my heart
You cannot deny the love I saw
through the windows of your soul
or felt in your gentle touch
I took a chance, and gave you your freedom
But no, you chose to stay
minutes flowing into hours
As our bodies became one
our souls met in a dance among the stars
Words can never describe the pure joy I felt
as you made love to me
but all too soon I was reminded
that what we had was but a stolen moment
forbidden and wrong, but oh so right
Guilt, but never...never would you regret
What you didn't say
told me so much more
Even though you are hers
There is a place in your heart
that is mine...Forever
I cannot be yours in this lifetime
but our souls will find each other again
Perhaps at Sunrise
...In Cabo

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