By pix
Date: 20 November 2000

rainblw anclet

Rainbow Anclet

I tied the string around my ancle,
Tight so it would never fall,
The colors of the jewels were bright,
and they symbolized my affection.

It's sapossed to mean all things good,
and so it symbolized you,
sterdy and beautiful,
i wore it gladly everyday.

But the string began to fray,
i didn't think of it at all,
all things fall apart,
but i thought we'd last forever.

then the peices unraveled,
and the jewels began to fall,
still i didn't think of it at all,
because you held me so tight.

then your hugg changed,
and i was confused to say the least,
one day the string snapped,
and our love finally broke.

i kept the peices of my anclet,
tried to tie it back together,
but there was no use,
it was broken, you were gone.

i put it saftly in a box,
and when i need you i hold it close,
i didn't think it would be all i would have left of you,
but my rainbow anclet holds all our memories.

maybe one day you'll come back to me,
but this time my ancle will be bare,
i couldn't stand to loose you twice,
so i'll hold the anclet tight in my hand, close to my heart.

--I know that might sound a little strange. Keeping an anclet to remember someone.
But when ever i feel alone, i pull out the peices of my broken anclet and i feel
safe again.  When i wore that anclet, everything was great between me and ben.
but then, just as the anclet string began to pull apart, so did he. and i lost
him the day the anclet broke.  I tried to tie it back on, in desperation, but
the string was too small, and the rainbow colored jewels had already fallen.
I have another anclet though, and sometimes, when i feel i need a little help,
i put it on, and hope it will have the same effect as my rainbow one...
but it couldn't. nothing can replace the feeling and expeiences i had, when i wore my
rainbow colored anclet.--

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