By Madison
Date: 22 November 2000

dreams @ a pond we call ours

I can't tell you what sends me 
falling like rainwater rinse into self
to find the place 
that is darkness pressing light
silence pressing sound

it's not as simple as the two of us
or as complicated 
as what our love defines
souls have kissed souls and traced 
a thousand lines around 
the highest heavens long before us

before the ocean ever felt 
blue-water ships across her virgin skin
before her grainy silhouette was 
chartered onto oak-tanned maps of hide
lovers found lovers, and tenderness
and passion from inside their own
empyrean, reaching to and wishing on
these same bright beauty marks of sky
how many dreams were caught inside
the flames and left behind

we lie, backs against the Earth in an 
oatgrass field beside the pond, crickets, 
the does have left their spotted young to 
graze a midnight meal of woodlands
we lie, spare dreams falling 
they sprinkle down into our arms
low soft cries like doves, sweet dream 
cries from stars to break the icy terrors 
to hush your father's eyes of thorns
we smuggle dreams to use for just 
a little while, as I fall into the place
that is you, only you and I will wrap myself 
around you, I will wrap myself around you.

M Madison
22 nov 2000

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