By Stands With a Smile
Date: 24 November 2000

The old lover

In the midst of moving
the sister's things
from old house
to new house
I was introduced to you.

I watched your eyes
play over her
then examine me
and saw
the internal calculations.

Then I saw
something else
I had never thought
I'd see.

You knew I knew.
I knew you knew I knew.

The light in her eyes
the smile on her lips
even the kindness for you
in her lilting voice
were not put there by you.

It was me.
Her love for me
shining through
a brilliant
joyous light
and filling her
with kindness
for the likes of you.

In that moment
someone else
might have been moved
to gloat.

I was not.
I have been
in your shoes

I felt your loss
and was sad for you
while feeling the joy
of my gain.

my friend.
I wish you

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