By Healy,M
Date: 16 November 2000

I Scared


I'm scared...
I'm afraid i'll never know you
I'm afraid of not finding truth
Nothing matters any more - why bother
Why waste tears
Why chase pain, life, strife
No wonder the artists give up
To live costs too much
They struggle in vain
They produce and create for not
We call them special
We hail them, their works masterpieces
Composers, Painters, Poets, Writers
They give of themselves
It kills them
They give till they die!
Each work takes a bit of their lives
Creators, their works steal their identity
Soon nothing is left of themselves
it takes from them the will to be
It bleeds life...
All the truly talented die prematurely
Maybe they realize what is missing
They give too much of what they crave
Maybe we are insane...
We try too hard
We know
The want is never satisfied or achieved
Simple things become complex

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