By Stands with a Smile
Date: 20 November 2000

Let me go down in silence

Let me go down in silence
small and alone
seeking not to be remembered
but forgotten
by all but God
who shall justly decide
what fame is mine.

The praises and curses
fairly leveled
or unfairly thrown
will be shaken and measured
upon the scales of truth
beneath the eye of the Master.

Of darkness and foolishness
I have sewn more than my share
of humility and kindness
far too little
and often too late.

His hand will divide
the gold from the dross
His judgement will be final
His decision in accordance
with his mercy.
But know this..

One shining pearl
will far out weigh the lot
One silent star
will gleam among my darkness
perhaps to tip the scales
perhaps not.

Let me go down in silence
small and alone
seeking not to be remembered
but forgotten
by all but God
who shall justly decide
what fame is mine.

And if His mercy
is as we are taught
If his forgiveness
recognizes the best in us
it will stand to my testimony
That once I was a good and honest man.

I dared to love you
without reservation
without condition
without my own interests
only you above it all.

And if that is not enough,
then,Let me go down in silence
small and alone
seeking not to be remembered
but forgotten
by all but God
who shall justly decide
what fame is mine.

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