By but still standing
Date: 1 November 2000


The autumn air
crisp, cut by morning sunshine
glitter of foil on flower pots
among the headstones.

The visitor
in reverent steps advances
head down, eyes inward turned
no need to see
He knows where he is going.

Beneath the single tree
the pale pink marble stands
her face
so crystal clear emblazened
on the surface.

Her eyes..
Even in the chilly stone
are warm and welcoming
and full of love and laughter.

He breathes at last
the ragged sob
held years inside
escapes to shake his frame.

His hand
decending to the pale pink stone
as tenderly as touching
her adoring face.

Then flooding scents
the senses spinning
lavender and lace
and warm clean hair
the chink and clink of jewelry
and the hair brush only just
set down upon her dresser
the silk of her gown
falling  falling  falling
to puddle at her feet
and all the warm sweet length of her
pale and pink and welcoming
with open arms and perfumed kisses
and honeyed cries and whispers
and and and and

He starts
the goose bumps goose stepping
down the flesh of his arms
the scent of her hair still strong
on the morning breeze
His lips
still burning with the taste of her

Sniffle stumbling stagger
he retreats through tears
the morning sunlight cooler somehow

Not so sure
the Visitor

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