By Michael (silly me) --
Date: 30 November 2000

It's all in your heart

It's all in your heart.
And that's where it belongs.
When you love someone
It's a promise you made
that you never had to
that nobody ever expects you to keep
but you

But there's nothing wrong with that
It's not all in your head.
It's all in your heart.
Your precious heart
that gives of itself.
everything you've got.
Right then.

Maybe you feel a little guilty
That you can't love the next him
with all your heart
and him only.
Don't be.

Forever doesn't mean
you only
Forever doesn't mean
as long as we're together
Forever doesn't mean
as long as it makes sense
Forever doesn't mean
I'll put up with anything
because I love you

Forever means
I'll love you after it's over
it means I'll love you
even though I was loving someone else
and loving to be with
someone else
it means I'd love you
even if there was nothing you had to offer me

It just means that you've
accepted the good parts
and the bad ones.
And that you'll care for him

Love is what we feel.
And you can't stop feeling.
If it's hot somewhere in your heart
The spot where he touched it
don't expect it to ever cool.
You wouldn't be upset with the stove
If you burned your hand
And you wouldn't be upset with your hand
if it told you it hurt
Don't expect your feelings to Change.
Though they may.
Don't expect men to change either.
By the way.
Just find another spot in your heart
I know it's a big heart
find another spot
where it's cool
and give that part of your heart
to the next him.

There's nothing wrong with loving more than one person in your life.

I'm sure that what you've got to give
is more than enough.
You never run out of love.

I'm not saying
Run from the fire.
I'm sure you need a little warmth.
Just step back a bit.
Step back.
And look for a little warmth.
It's there somewhere.
He's out there.

See it's not all in your head
It's all in your heart.
And that's where it belongs.
And there's nothing wrong with waiting.
Just don't wait too long.

You could wait until you stopped loving your old cowboy
But that would be a while
I'm pretty sure you do love him
Forever's a long time

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