By Tonya (
Date: 24 January 2000

Adam's Heart

It is you that makes my heart sing
The one I thought I'd never find
The one I dreamed of night after night
When all seemed to be lost
That you would come and take me away 
From all that could ever hurt me.

It is you that makes my heart dance
With every move you make
Each smile, each gaze each tender touch
Everything that lets me know you're mine
And I'll never have to be alone again

It is you that keeps my heart safe
Like the famed knight in shining armor
You stride in to fight the evil that may lurk; 
The nightmares that do not cease
You, my protector, my guide, 
My silver lining in the grey cloud

I can not begin to imagine what brought you to me
But I will not question the gods; 
For to me, you are everything
And I love you 

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