By Amanda,
Date: 9 January 2000


Oh, you would be so proud
(of yourself)
to see me now:
scattering like ripped up paper
from the breath of your words
I'm sure it would feed your ego
to know you still increase my heartbeat
I hate you
but would love you in a moment
if I let down my guard
for my heart is a particle
and your charm is a force field
your compliments are suave
packed with sugar
so i must be equally demur
when you mention your girlfriend
flirt with the waitress
then suggest we share a dessert
your sparkle leaves me stove cold
your sparkle is tinsel
and I am a diamond
you didn't realize how lucky you were
when I loved you
you are just a child in a candy shop
eyes and hands going in too many directions
but 'real' was too hard for you
and all that crap about love
I meant it
I loved more than you would understand
but by the time you figure that out
by the time you realize that women
are not pieces of candy
for children like you
you'll miss this woman
but this woman won't miss you

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