By Tanqueray Cowboy
Date: 30 January 2000

Anatomy of a Crush - Part 3

Saturday, January 30th, 2000
4:21 A.M.

I just left you.  I hope you made it home O-K.

You rested your head on my shoulder for a long time... you even curled up
around my arm.

I can’t describe how good that made me feel.   I know you’re hurting and I’m
ashamed that your discomfort brought me that little joy.  I felt wanted, and 
needed and, most importantly - trusted – by you.
What higher honor could there be?

I came so close to telling you everything.  I could swear you were ALMOST
ready to hear it.

But, once again, I kept my mouth shut.  This time, though, I asked what you
wanted.  Friend?  Lover?  Companion?  You seemed to fathom some of the depths
of the question but your only answer came later.
“I’ll have to think  about it,” you said... or words to that effect.

I’ll see you tonight.

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