By Larissa
Date: 14 January 2000

Unconditional Love

when I look into your eyes,
i can see everything I have ever strived to be
and everything I have ever wanted

When I am in your arms,
I am so happy
I feel so safe and comfortable and I never want to leave
You hold me like you never want to let go
Don't ever let go!

As they say in that old eighties song...
when I see you smile,
I can change the world.
I find the soulfelt harmony in that.
I believe that 
I don't know how I made it without you

Why do I have to be worried that you don't feel the same?
Am I that insecure.
I guess I have been hurt too many times
To trust love

All I know is that I don't want to be with anyone else
but you

My love is unconditional
please don't leave me

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