By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 6 January 2000

Musings 1/6/00

Now that New Year's Eve and all that Y2K hoopla
is over with, I have Valentine's Day to contend
with. When I was in Wal-Mart the other night I
noticed that they are already gearing up for
February 14 with the usual Pepto Bismol pink
and fire engine red displays. If you want to
beat the crowd and stock up early on trite
Valentine's Day cards that feature everything
from Teletubbies to any animal you can think
of, you are in luck.
  It doesn't matter if you're happily (or 
unhappily, alas) married or "involved" in
a relationship with a significant (or 
insignificant, alas) other- Valentine's
Day is for everyone! If you've got a pet
turtle, let him know that you care with a
Hallmark card and some heart-shaped turtle
food. There's something for everyone in the
vast Valentine's Day market. It's enough to
give me heartburn.
   Even the most sentimental romantics in the
world have to admit that Valentine's Day is
an arbitrary holiday. Any holiday that is
symbolized by a fat, naked Roman god is
totally useless in my book. Why should we
designate one day out of the year to tell
people that we love them with candy, cards
and flowers? Love should be given and expressed
freely without cheesy reminders from corporate
America. This year, be a rebel. Save your money.
Before, on and after February 14, show the
people in your life that you love them by
smiling and listening to what they have to
say instead of yawning or shutting them out
with a bad TV habit. Then you won't feel so
guilty that you shell out twenty bucks for
badly written poetry and overpriced candy
just to prove that you care.

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