By Katherine
Date: 22 January 2000

Janurary 19, 2000, 11:34PM

Let’s just pretend for a brief moment
we as human beings were granted one emotional event in time
that at 
any second
on any day
we could relive.

I can remember  
That mystical surreal pleasure welling within my chest
And that blood pulsating through me, heating my veins 
with waves of fierce energy
And that bazaar cloud of tranquility looming above the bed
That sprinkled me with warm droplets of 
Infatuation and desperate desire

Your unexplainably powerful,
Yet billowy soft touch
Sent me into this escapeless trance
As you whispered to me between
Sucking my lips and kissing my flesh
“Katherine, something’s different”
“I feel funny”

Sure we were simply
Two tiny human beings in this vast universe
Locked in an embrace

But realistically I was cast under
This intoxicatingly sweet spell
I thought only a fake force of nature could create…

And at that precise moment I 
Pardon the cliché

I’ve committed that euphoric, peaceful, amazing moment
To the brain waves of my memory for the rest of my existence

So if by some slim chance I’m granted the opportunity to relive it 
I won’t miss a thing.

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