By mEg
Date: 31 January 2000

phone call

2 am phone call
now i'm wide awake

can't count sheep
cause math ain't my thing

so I'm writing down 
what I should have said

i react
and i don't know why
i apologize 
but it's too late

and i feel bad about

especially cause I do know why
i react 
the secret 
rises up in my voice
high pitched
cause my teflon coating is
just a cotton sheet
and my birthday suit 
at 2am

I love you
I can't apologize for that
so I react
cause that's what I do

I say I'm sorry
for sounding angry
about something so stupid
but it's 2am 

and the truth is I'm really
I love you and I wish I didn't.
I love you unconditionally and it pisses me off... 
'cause shouldn't I love myself that way too?
so I react

2am phone call
you just got home
and you wanted to call me
and you did
you called me from The Game
(me & your mom)
you bought me souvenirs
you will mail them to me

and at 2am
i react cause i'm so damn
of the picture you had taken....
no matter which 'famous personality'...
(insert MTV DJ of choice here)

Not jealous of the person you stood with
(that smelled nice)
but of the fact they were in your presence
that they got to feel your body
(your hand)
that they got to see your face
and hear your voice at the same time

so i react
I'm angry
I'm hurt

Wait just a second....

Yeah, I'm PISSED
I'm tired
and I'm frustrated
and I'm ready to turn in my crown
.... the damn thing is getting heavy....

at 2am.


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