By Ijuswanna Beapoet
Date: 7 January 2000

unrated pornographic issue poem

I would love to be a knuckle draggin' yahoo, so easily sated by porn and not caring about being romantic on a wednesday night in the middle of March.  I might chew tobacco in church, start wearing tighty-whitey's instead of bothersome boxers, gain a few pounds, and cat call at women that I know will never give me the time of day.   I imagine that there is some sort of freedom in being an unattentive bastard.
But I am not those things.  I am the antithesis of Bubba.   Because of my desire- because I have a mental post note hanging from my cranium with the words "find her" scrawled upon it- I can endure all the fruitless questions of why, I can suffer the inward glances upon my worthiness during sleepless nights, and I can walk mind-free of the proverbial rock in my shoe.
  Man tears ain't so bad- much warmer and saltier than I had imagined- and through them, I can still read that post-it note.    

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