By aaron,
Date: 29 January 2000


I once had my shamrock
All was complete
my home, my work, and my play
my wife, my child, and me
the trinity was there

One day a shot of gun
took it all away
my home, my work, my play
were gone
my wife, my child, and in many ways me too
were destroyed that cold day

All that is left of my shamrock 
is a bitter old man
forgotten by the cause that poisoned his shamrock
wrinkled by time and cruel by nature

Perhaps one day the republic will strive 
even though I'm still alive
I truly died the day the bullet that was for me
struck my family dead

Now the shamrock is wittier down
it was once green, but now its brown
and soon the third leaf will fall
and then the shamrock will once again be complete

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