Date: 6 January 2000

VD are so right about Valentine's Day..some just give candy, poems, cards, etc...just so their other half of the total equation, will not complain..
My mom is that way, I am that way...but I am at the point where...when I want something to pamper ME...I just buy it, make it, create it, not wait for any man to fulfill my wishes...and yes...Love should be year round...not just for "special" times...anniversaries, birthdays,...and I do believe that most men are not as sentimental as women are...NOT just take each day for granted and women like to feel special and treasured by the other half ...or whatever it is..
SO...I consider Valentine's Day...just another day...already I am seeing..hearts, flowers, candies, love poems, etc....everywhere...GIVE ME A BREAK!...I still have tree needles on the floor....gee whiz!!!!!!!!!!
However, if someone wishes to donate flowers, candies, cards, etc....feel free to do so....:))...(yeah...uh huh!)
Happy VD Day to all you Loving People!!!

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