By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 20 December 1999

Dragon Slayer

You endear yourself to me
with your sincere concern
you don't want me
to drive while intoxicated
or settle
for less
when I
could soar
toward more
you think you bore
me with your
your sameness
your rigid routine
you think I like
the fact
that you have
a good job
that allows you
to wine & dine me
you wonder if maybe
I'm using you
you hope your honesty
doesn't hurt me
too terribly bad
and I am sad
I admit
because I've known
since I saw you
dancing alone
that night
that you were
someone special
no, fuck that
I've known and you know it
I looked at you and saw
a soul mate
maybe the only one
I'll ever have
and meanwhile
back at the farm
you are golden
standing there
in the light
of a Texas summer sunset
as I read to you
from one of my astrology books
explaining what it means
to have a Taurus sun
and a Libra moon
and I don't know
what you think of me, really
I know I'm not
the princess you'd slay
the dragon for
and I know
I'm small
and pale
and weak
but I'd slay the dragon
for you
with the sword you
so admired
in the knife shop
in the Stockyards
even though it was 
a Marines sword
not an Army sword
I'd take that sword
and stick it through
the heart
of the dragon
to let you know
I like you
a lot.

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