By Anastasia Hunt
Date: 13 December 1999

For Eric

What a coincidence-
I did you a good deed
Now I find it repaid
in ways unimagined.
I never knew one person
could gain so much
of my focus and time
and limited energy.
I never imagined 
that I wouldn't mind
this much work
all for a guy.

I could never have guessed
that in another person
I'd find such an accurate
reflection of myself.
It's obvious
I've been taken by surprise
been completely ambushed
And I think I enjoy it.
It's nice to have been 
finally proven wrong
On something like this
Yes, I'm happy to be here.

From the moment of our 
random chance meeting
I knew you were someone
who'd turn my life upside down
If I gave you a chance.
It was a calculated risk
I knew what I was doing
when I gladly took it.
The results have 
turned out in my favor
I can only hope that
It works out for you too.

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