By SwtLiz
Date: 1 December 1999

Love Waits

`;`;`;``;`;`Broken Heart trapped among the bitter cold`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                as the snow drifts shape the face of  EArth Skin

`;`;`;`;`;`;`;``;`One flake then another falls so bold`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                    Wind gusts while Vision fades as white swirls begin.

`;`;`;`;`;`;`Flames dance around the fireplace`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                as the music fills the air.

`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;Body drench in silk and lace`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                    Craving  for a lovers touch to share.

`;`;`;`;`;`;`The bottle lays empty upon the floor`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                With two glass in hand.

`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;My sight is drawn to the door`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                    looking for my DreamMan

``;`;`;`;`;`;`HEart beats... beats....  music echoes between the walls`;`;
                tears drip between my lips

`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;looking and waiting ..... withdrawls`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;
                    my heart slips  slips  slips

`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`;`Crushed between imagination and reality`;`;`;`;`;`;

                      "MY LOVE WAITS"

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