By jgleve
Date: 27 December 1999

Secret Petals from the Yellow Rose

The yellow rose will never know....
Eighteen years ago, seven years ago...I knew
Today I know.
I kept the secret within my soul,
Praying to never reveal...

He kissed hurt so wonderfully!
Then he left...the imprint remained...
He called to give thanks for turning him away.
Oh God!  I faked a smile to deceive my voice...
but not myself...
He belonged to another...I could not tell...all
these years....I seek to find another's eyes.
The petals bloomed, oh so gloriously! Blazing in sunlight...high beaming under cloudy skies....annual 
blooms so brightly shine.....forever.
Snow falls, the petals bear its weight...Rain beats 
down, the petals fall tenderly.
Winds tug at their fragility...petals cling to their
bodies for dear life.

Yet...the petals linger ...their fragrance permeates in
the mist...of
The Thorns.

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