By deevaa -
Date: 15 December 1999

magic marker on the white board of my heart

you make me so angry 
I just want to scream -
I  want to shout
    "Listen to me, damn it!"

Can't you see the tears 
I rapidly blink away

I want you to see
your little game
just went a little to far
you over stepped the mark

------------- crossed the line ------------- 


"I still love you" (you fool.)

I can't wipe the feelings off
the white board of my heart.
I can scrub -
scrub all I want
but I can never remove your name
it's written in magic maker -
bloody permanent ink.

and it doesn't matter how many tissues I go through
the smudges will still be there 
and your name 
graffiti-d on me
can still be read
from the back of the room

and I hate you for being 
hard to 
wipe off.

I still love you (you fool)
So go!
storm off -
Its fine.
go... I don't need you.
go talk to Sharon, Angela or Betsy or whatever her name is

play... have fun.
I'll be here at my desk
when you are ready.

you'll get sick of them.
     (you always do)
and you'll stroll back in
"hi honey I'm home"
(damn your sexy voice! damn you!)
just don't wait to fuckin' long,
because the other chair at my desk
might not remain empty.

Can't you see the tears?

Well some other guy might -
and he'll want to comfort me
and yeah he'll see your name 
but maybe the alcohol they are offering 
will get that off,
or at least make me forget
for a few precious moments
that I am bloody well yours.
You like to make me angry
just so you can make up with me. 

But you
didn't count on seeing my temper tonight huh?
Couldn't cope with that
you'd not seen me at my feisty best 

Well now you have.
What are you gonna do about it?
Go play with Sharon,  Angela or Betsy?
Go to bed and sulk?
or come back here and talk to me?
Which ever you choose is fine
I'll be here

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