By Michael (dee - fused)
Date: 30 June 2000

Apology Again

I apologize all the time
I think I'm more powerful than I am
I think I can hurt people more than I can
I throw out barbs more than I should
I'm a walking wound

You forgive me all the time
You know that I really do love you
You know that I don't really mean it
You ignore my barbs easier than I can
You're a healing salve

I am a bittersweet pill
I'm angry and loving and sad and ebullient
I'm careless with what I do and say
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter anyway
I have faith that everything will work out in the end
I know that tomorrow is a brighter day and today isn't bad at all
I'm waiting for my happy ending

You wash most of the sour away
You're calm and loving and collected yet ebullient
You careful with what you do and say
You know that everything and nothing really matters
You have faith that everything will work out in the end
You know that today is the only day that exists and today is all that we have
You know I'll have a happy ending

We know it never would have worked
we both have our own rules and those we never compromise
We both have perfectionist streaks
We both are strong and both are weak
We know it will be a happy ending
We know it's not one with us together
We know it's still love
We know it's only love after all

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