By ZoE
Date: 18 June 2000

Gush my Milk

I will let you drip my milk
my pearly whites
you hopscotch to someone else’s drum
I have danced in gutters
you do not want to be my Yoko
I said I’d be your John
the beauty trickles down like blood
like your movies of the way life should be
my hero
my gushing stereotype of a gushing bird
of a dying wing
without sustinence you cannot fly
I write
wrote you into your trance
like the stinger
the sniper
like Ireland where women run like water in your tap
It’s an endless drag of that cigarette
the prepubescent wonders
and you done me wrong
so I cannot spell my favorite words right
pin point my inadequacies to lapse into you
your shades of winter
your flannel shirts all folded up
I will wash
your scent from my shoes
your shape from my bathrobe
I will play poker with your good will
good will wishes for someone else

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