By terry
Date: 5 June 2000

First Insight


I never believed in love at first sight

Still Don't

But I do believe in love at first insight

And always will

On our first date when you laughed at my nervous jokes

That was first sight

When you sent me the flowers

With a book of blonde jokes attached

And you are blonde

T hat was insight

A nd when we met at Starbucks the next day

And you insisted on paying for my double latte

That was sight

But when you made me circle the block

J ust so you could give five to the woman on the corner,

Just because her shoes were worn through;

Well that was insight

A nd when we made love the first time

And I saw you naked in the candlelight

S ure that was some glorious sight

But in the morning

When you slipped in the shower

And told me in a whisper that I was a wonderful lover

W hen I knew, that you knew, that I was a virgin

That was an even more glorious insight

So when anyone asks me now

D id you love her at first sight.

I say yes

First insight

T hat grows deeper with every day.



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