Date: 28 June 2000

An add that found it's target.

A handsome, intelligent and romantic
man now looks at every woman as if she
held mystery, a treasure, to be very
gently opened yet never fully encircled
by him, for this mystery...treasure,
is the evolving of a woman's soul as
it opens like a rose, unrevealable because
it evolves...always. I am single and
sought an attractive not married or separated
woman, younger than 50, for days,
evenings and nights which may lead to
romance...vivid, passionate, romantically
sensual, but above, unselfish
and real when true friendship exists.
I was not interested in "classists"
(those wealthy, divorced, famed, who
confuse manners and taste with true
elegance)...I sought a woman of depth,
dignity, whose elegance comes from bearing
life's sorrows with grace, an intellectual,
sensual, loving and vitally sensual
woman who has experienced life, yes,
but who has not lost her innocence,
the girl inside always on the beach,
eyes sad, starring at the ocean of life,
timid yet brave with a heart full of
hope, even then, as now, looking for
love…who sneaks into my heart to
say "I am here…surprise me."
A woman who savors caves, touches
and smells and holds delicate objects
tracing them while she talks--as she
shops in interesting shoppes where she
has bothered to learn the shoppe clerk's
name. Absolutely nothing was required
of her other then to be a pleasantly
civil, intelligent conversationalist
(who will not tolerate real or unintended
offence from any man, beginning her
correction of him with wide hot eyes,
a too too brief "You deserve this!",
before leveling a scathing, mighty,
wonderfully passionate assault of words
that numbs, that...numbs him). A woman
with an attractive, slim to average
appearance, a body alive, and a granite
like spirit and soul thriving within
her. I would …and now do…love
a woman such as this, first, almost as He
does, unconditionally, because, not in spite,
of all that she was, is now, and will be,
and I will, as she knows, love her...forever.

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