By ZoE
Date: 26 June 2000


pigs gallop through
bright misty sea capsules
you drift onto me
your face enchants me
through winding streets
and stopsigns
for fear I cannot touch
you enough
so radioactive
you calm your nervousness
your holding back enchants me
because you directly feel
and say what you feel
in dimly lit resturaunts
pausing for a taste of my thighs
we try things you would never do apart
from me
in strange spaces
because I was the first to feel
and move
and scare
hand grabbing
awaken you
touch hands
cross hatched paths in fear
of never and nothing
you are fearless
and dangerous
you fuel me in places I know
that deserve you
without thinking
some places where light doesn't reach
don't hiss
we drown in eachother's bodies
form passageways
grow tired from
a fearsome immature
love that feels strange on poor bones
that lungs carry dancers
bring me to new heights
dance in your fear
of a lover

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