By Michael (feeling confident)
Date: 24 June 2000

Please excuse me

Please excuse me

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I didn't know my smile
at your beautiful laughter
could slay your heart
It used to be weak and wooden
and now it is a scintallating scimitar
I don't mean to break your heart sharply
but I mean to break your heart

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I didn't know my gaze
at your beatiful faces
would make you nervous
It used to be stark and scary
and now it is a confident caress
I don't mean to break your heart scarily
but I mean to break your heart

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I didn't know my wordsmithing
alliterative arrows and well wrought weaponry
would pierce your armor so effortlessly
They used to be ineffective
and now I must be careful what I say
I don't mean to break your heart wickedly
but I mean to break your heart

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I didn't know my truthfulness
about what I'm looking for
would make you mistrust me
It used to be tentative and stuttering
and now it is a free flowing fountain
I don't mean to break your heart terribly
but I mean to break your heart

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I didn't know my gentle touch
as I attempt to turn you on
could light your body on fire
I used to be a bic lighting bambino
but now I'm a gasoline toting firestarter
I don't mean to break your heart heatedly
but I mean to break your heart

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I didn't know my fumbled flailing
as I attempt to woo you
could bruise your feelings
I used to be harmless
but now I'm a dangerous passionate man
I don't mean to break your heart hurtfully
but I mean to break your heart

Please excuse me ladies
I know not my own strength
I'm know I'm getting practice
and I apologize in advance for the mess
though if I'm doing my job right
You're going to enjoy it
So please excuse me
and keep an eye out for me
I don't want anyone to get hurt
but I mean to break your heart

Not now.
Not soon.
Maybe not ever.
But if I do.
I mean to break it.
And then heal it.
Please excuse me.

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