By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 2 May 2000


SCENE 79-INT.-Treasure Island lobby. Day. Becca and Lewis are
returning from their tour of the Strip.
Lewis: Lotsa convenient places to get married in this town,
ya know.
Becca: So I've heard.
Lewis: This is where I propose.
Becca: Huh?
Lewis: Marry me and make me the happiest man in the world.
Becca: I can't marry you, Sid. I got my period this morning.
Lewis: What? I'm not Sid! I'm Lewis! And what the bloody hell
does your period have to do with anything?!
Becca: You said bloody. Ha. I don't guess you've seen "An Officer and
a Gentleman." I'm really not in the mood to marry someone I've just
met. No offense.
Lewis: Wanna come up to my room, then? I'm sure my grandparents are
snoozin' away. We could hang out in the bathroom for a bit.
Becca: Hmmm. Give me a couple of seconds to mull that one over. No thanks.
Lewis: I bought you a banana split!
Becca: This is where we part ways forever. I never end any association,
no matter how unsavory, without imparting some karmic wisdom. Listen,
dude- don't think because you buy a woman dessert at Denny's that
she'll have sex with you in a bathroom. Life is often cruel that way.
You know...not only is Las Vegas famous for its convenient places to get
married and its world class banana splits- it's also lousy with
hookers. Go find you one of those. You won't have to buy her dessert.
Lewis: You're a weird girl.

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