By Angel
Date: 26 May 2000

complement yourself

Everything has its complement:
every color on the painter's wheel,
every meat has its complementary wine,
every room has its feel.
What complements one color
or one meat or decor
can conflict horribly with another.
Though all colors and meats and decors
have their own given qualities,
these can be enhanced or depressed
according to matches made.
Some complements are not so readily noticed:
like peanut butter on apples
or polka dots on stripes.
Yet, they complement each other very well,
as some seemingly good matches may not:
you would not find rice atop potatoes very tasty,
though they are both starches,
they are too similar to complement each other very well.
The same goes for love.
I witness people earnestly striving to match up with
those that just do not complement them.
And they get frustrated and oftentimes angry when it just doesn't happen
or when it does and ends in a failed romance.
So, just how do you find your complement?
You look!
The problem is, that most people are not looking deep within themselves
when searching for a mate.
They are surface skimmers.
They see only with their eyes.
They feel only with their hands.
They forget that they have a heart that sees and hears too.
They do not listen to that inner voice.
They are too busy struggling and whimpering and wondering...why?
They are too tired or afraid to recognize an uncomplementary situation.
They are lonely and lost and miserable.
And , sadly, most will remain that way unless they heed to that inner voice.

Angel 5/26/00

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