By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 2 May 2000


SCENE 88-EXT.-The desert. Day.
Becca and Derek are sitting in Becca's pickup truck watching the sunrise.
Becca: Isn't it weird that we only get one life? The most time we're
allowed is a hundred years. Most of us don't get half that. Half a
century, give or take a few years, to figure everything out and experience
some kind of love.
Derek: I don't need fifty years.
Becca: Oh, darling. Neither do I. This is everything. Right now we
have it all.
Derek: Now I know why he never got over my grandmother.
Becca: And people in America are so weird about funerals. That has
always bothered me. It doesn't seem true. All the dark, relentless
drama. Why don't we have funerals for all the small deaths? There
are so many things in this world that are worse than dying.
Derek: I know.

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