By Gala
Date: 30 May 2000

Funny Bone

Never underestimate the power of a woman's laugh,
Never be afraid of seeming foolish---
the really absurd ones
are those who are far too serious
to see that the path to my heart
is paved with laughter,
or right from my toes,
out right
in your face
Baccall doesn't do it better

You note that my breathing comes quicker,
my skin flushes deeply,
and my blood races then.
I put off my inhibitions
when i see that you are not afraid
of seeming silly.
Oh I'll take notice
of piercing eyes,
a hero's mouth
a noble brow,
or sweet tush...
but none of these
ever saw the dawn
from my shades
it the owner
didn't know how
to make me laugh.

Forget the g spot pal.
Go for the funny bone!

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