By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 15 May 2000


it's not divine
it's aggravatin'
to have a ruby mine
worth excavatin'
is she deep enough
is she good enough
is she bitch enough
to be your GIRL
my complications
are my Golden Ticket
I'm sexy and growlin'
but not too explicit
take it on the run, baby
downtown, baby
downtown, baby
by the hour, baby
in the shower, baby
maybe a flower in the end
and pretend strawberries
plastic strawberries
any kind but real strawberries
when you've got an imagination that generates
31 varieties of It Could Happen to You!!!
when you're mangled at heart
and the apple cart upsets
you look to the milk drippin' stars
and conveniently forget
all the nightmares come true all the cards that
didn't scratch
another shot of hemlock
down the hatch
we match
the bedspread to the curtains
'cause the carpet is ugly
and nothing
is certain

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