By terry
Date: 11 May 2000

A Summer Treat

Come play with me for just a moment
I have a surprise...

First take your socks off
For this ya gotta be barefoot
only naked tootsies will do
So don't be shy, I have toes too close your eyes
Serious now, quit peeking
I promise to keep you safe
Take my hand

Now, I'm gonna turn you around
and when i do you sit down
Now breathe deep...
Smell the honeysuckle?

Now breathe deeper
Smell the undercurrent?
Well stick out your tongue.
I want you to taste it

First, bite  down quick
And feel the pink liquid go to the back of your throat
Sweet and dark
Red and a hint of wildness?

Now suck real slow on the pulp
Feel the little seeds as they hide in your teeth and under the tongue..
Now have another, this one riper still
and sweet as candy

Has God made ambrosia any nicer than that?
Take your tongue and coax the juice out first
Let it prepare your mouth for another
And let that prepare you for me.

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