By the guppy
Date: 2 February 2000


this room is entirely too cold
and i don't have nearly enough strength to deal with this
some twist of sadistic fate wrapped me up and knocked a bottle of perfume...
off my dresser
it was ok at first, but then it all kicked in, and is now kicking my ass
like that's something new
i'm thinking fate should really pick a harder target next time
or at least give me a fighting chance
i'm fine though
and i can hear my cat scurrying around in the hall
so i know the world hasn't ended
this room just smells way too much like what love previously smelled like
somebody must've tossed a boulder in that still pond
love doesn't smell much like anything now
i hope that if it does acquire olfactory qualities again...
that it would choose something a bit less interruptive
just in case
i don't really need to be thinking of nights long dead
or how nice it really was while it lasted
i don't need to be reminded that i never use the word "love" without the word...
"always" either directly attached or implied
i don't need to torture myself wondering
about what i did wrong
or why i wasn't good enough anymore
i'll never find the answers anyway
just a cold smelly room

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