By New Guy on the Corner
Date: 18 February 2000

My Tango With Regis

He came to me in a tangled dream
a dream that came to me after
consuming two Allsup's burritos
and a liter of Wild Cherry Pepsi
I saw him from across the strobe lit floor
He was alone and staring at me like I
had the key or the answer and then of course
he asked the leading question
Is That Your Final Answer?
but you haven't asked the question!
I protested with my mouth full
of cotton candy 
and my ears full of wax
How do you Want Your Currency
(after tax)
huh??? I can't take Something I haven't
my dear dear child
you haven't learned
here's the question
you have one life line left...
What Would You DO if I asked you
to tango?
I would probably wake up
in tangled sheets
and know
in my life
that one
is out of my grasp!!!!

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